Friday, September 28, 2012

How to Reduce Cellulite | Stretch Marks | Wrinkles | Cellulitis --- CELLULITE BEST | Cellulite Best Tips | Cellulite Best Guide! How to Reduce Cellulite There is no quick fix for cellulite, but through a variety of cellulite solutions, you can greatly reduce and improve the orange peel appearance on your body. 1.To reduce cellulite, drink water. Aim for a least 2 liters a day. This will help to flush out toxins and help your body regulate better. 2.Exercise to reduce cellulite. Even a little bit of exercise everyday will help, but try and work in some vigorous exercise for better results. Losing weight can help reduce that cottage cheese look. 3.Make changes in your diet to reduce cellulite. A cellulite diet consists of reducing fat, sugar and calorie intake and focusing on foods that contain anti cellulite ingredients, packed with anti-oxidant power such as: *Asparagus *Avocadoa *Bananas *Beans *Berries *Bran and Oat Cereal are an excellent source of energy, high in fiber and antioxidants. *Broccoli *Citrus Fruits *Nuts *Oily Fish:Salmon, sardines, tuna, trout, herrings, mackerel and bass *Onions *Pears *Pineapple *Watermelon Include as much of these types of food into a balanced diet to reduce cellulite. As part of your anti-cellulite diet, eat more protein and fiber. protein helps to firm up muscles that can keep fat stores in place and reduce the dimpled effect of cellulite. Eat approximately .6 gram per pound of lean body mass if you are a moderately active person, and 1 gram per pound of lean body mass if you ...

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